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Health Council Minutes 10/26/00
Regular Meeting of October 26, 2000

I certify, that to the best of my ability to record and recall, these are the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Dukes County Health Council held on October 26, 2000.

Meeting called to order at 8:03 a.m.
    Members Present:                   
Cynthia Mitchell, Chairman              Fred Rundlet
Arthur Wortzel                  Patty Begley
Sandra Lothrop*                 Else Membrezo
Carol Borer*                            Kathy Logue                     
Sharon Clauss-Zanger            Michele Lazerow
Murray Frank                            Jacque Cage     
Sarah Kuh *                             Ned Robinson-Lynch
Tad Crawford                            Maureen Kelly
Peter Strock                            Lorna Andrade
Bud Macy                                Marguerite Bergstrom*
Karen Kukolich                  Les Holcomb
        Kevin Burchill                          Patty Blakesley
        Jane Cleare                             Chris Knowles
Cathy Brennan                   Tina McMichael
                                                                *Ex Officio
        Matt Poole              Sarah Isenberg  Bob Sawyer      
Elizabeth Norcross    Joan Creato               Dennis Hoak
Sherrill Butterfield    Katherine Colon

Marsha Smolev   Sally Tanner            Daniel Tanner
Charles Silberstein     Chris Zadek
Cynthia Mitchell announced that the meeting was being taped.  Murray Frank said he was not comfortable with the meeting being taped, that sometimes people said things they didn’t want other people to hear.  Chairman Mitchell explained that members, when sworn in, take an oath to abide by the Open Meeting Law and it’s permissible to tape meetings.
The Chairman introduced Christopher Zadec, an interested guest. The next meeting of the DCHC will be November 30, 2000. Patty Blakesley Moved that the Minutes of September 28, 2000 be Accepted.  Lorna Andrade Seconded the Motion.  Tad Crawford reiterated that the word “Board” should be removed from the heading of the Minutes.  Marsha Smolev agreed that it would be. The Motion to Accept the Minutes passed Unanimously.  

Tad Crawford began the Treasurer’s Report by stating that his report coincides now with County Treasurer Noreen Flanders’ report (though it is presently out of synch $84.00).  Tad Crawford will review the budget and pledges.

Fred Rundlet reported that he spoke to Brian Toomey about the $12,000 released to the Dental Program.  Discussion followed about updating the Access Program’s physician participants.  Chris Knowles Moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report.  Karen Kukolich Seconded the Motion that Passed Unanimously.

Charles Silberstein presented the new Foundation on which he’s working, by stating that the Mission of the Foundation is, he believes, the same as that of the DCHC. He hopes the Foundation will catalyze cooperation and collaboration with medical staff and academic centers in Boston and New York.

Fred Rundlet asked Dr. Silberstein to comment on what he considers the contemporary healthcare problem he’s addressing.  Dr. Silberstein believes medical decisions are influenced by the needs of third party payers. The community needs:
More time between practitioners and patients
Education in the office
Focus on prevention
Medical technology
Advisory Groups like hospice

Chris Knowles mentioned that foundations seek funds and distribute them.  MVCS already does health promotion.  Will the Foundation fund underfunded services? Charles Silberstein believes it would help local organizations.

Fred Rundlet asked if there’s something the DCHC is not doing that necessitates the Foundation.  Dr. Silberstein believes the Foundation offers a different piece of the collaboration.  Maureen Kelly added that the problem of the underinsured has driven the DCHC to focus on access.  This would focus on the content of healthcare.  Cynthia Mitchell agreed.  The Foundation would lean towards the “McKnight approach.”

Discussion continued about various aspects of the Foundation, screening tests, health history, resources.  Sandra Lothrop voiced her excitement about the Foundation and the possibility of coordination of information gained from her survey.

Different Learning Projects were described: Coordination of services to build a healthy community based on healthy relationships, not third party charges; The placement of an advocate at Mass. General to streamline information; Continuum of care in substance abuse programs; Grant writing.

Lorna Andrade asked how the Foundation will include cultural diversity.  Charles Silberstein replied that the Vineyard is especially well suited for work of this kind because of the cultural diversity and problems that normally appear in larger communities.

Patty Begley asked about funding the Foundation.  Charles Silberstein thinks funding won’t be a problem, that the money exists.  It’s tapping into the money that’s the difficult part.  Maureen Kelly added that this is about spending the money ‘smarter.’  Tad Crawford added that the DCHC may have great things to offer the Foundation.  Michele Lazerow volunteered to help get the effort of the Foundation.  

Charles Silberstein was invited back to the next meeting of the DCHC, November 30, 2000.  He thanked the Council.

Chairman Mitchell asked Murray Frank, Vice Chair, to take over the meeting when she has to leave.  Murray Frank updated the Council on the Lighthouse Health Access Grant by reporting that the group is midway through the process of hiring a Director.  Interviews are scheduled for November 8 and 9.  The position is funded until 9/30/01, but it is presumed it will be funded in year 2 of the grant as well.  After that, additional funding will be sought.  There is a web site with information about this grant:

Kevin Burchill was thanked for hosting a meeting of the Lighthouse Health Access, at the Hospital.  A handout of 5 Basic Objectives of this Grant was distributed.  Cynthia Mitchell met with County Commissioners’ Chair, Leslie Leland, and County Manager about the Grant and intends to brief the County Commissioners at their meeting.  

The Grant will hire an Enrollment Assistant to work with Sarah Kuh who is one of the DCHC’s in-kind contributions to the CAP Project.  This will be a $30,000 position.

It was mentioned in the Coordinating Committee Report, that the Island Health Plan
Phase II is being extended to the end of the year.  Pat Fairchild’s work on the CAP Grant was cited as the reason for the need for the extension.  Nancy Turnbull and Pat Fairchild are putting together an outline of the Business Plan.  Affordability of premium is the driving force. The Council was asked to look ahead for a preliminary business plan, and recommendations for implementation.  

Question 5 on the Ballot was discussed.  Consultants to the DCHC recommend voting against it. Chairman Mitchell said the DCHC was not taking a position, and left at 9:35 a.m.  Ned Robinson-Lynch reported on the Rural Health Outreach Grant which, he said, represents an effort to collaborate agencies.  Full funding will mean $200,000 a year for 3 years.  Jacque Cage asked what it will add.  The reply was; health promotion, education, disease prevention, nurse practitioners, electronic recording and more.  Jacque Cage questioned if it was providing or advocating case management.  Ned Robinson-Lynch replied, both.  The priority is for helping the uninsured.  There will be two or three base sites.

Ned Robinson-Lynch reported that he attended Community Partners, a U Mass group that furthers community development of programs for working together.

Sarah Kuh distributed her report, stating that the people she is seeing are desperate.  They can’t afford prescriptions after they finally receive medical care.  There were over 200 contacts this past month.  Sarah Kuh and Patty Blakesley are investigating pharmacy programs to help solve this problem.  Karen Goodrum has been hired to as Administrative Secretary for the Health Access Program.

The Chronic Illness Survey is about ready for distribution.  

Murray Frank reported for the Data and Funding Committee, that the Council asked Farm Neck Foundation for $5,000 to expand Brazilian Outreach.  The first half ($8,000) of the Mass. Medical money arrived.  

Michele Lazerow reported that the MVCS and MV Hospital are beginning an acupuncture Detox Clinic that will run Mondays through Saturdays.  Kevin Burchill reported that the Hospital hired another Pediatrician, Melanie Miller.  Jacque Cage asked Kevin Burchill for an update on Windemere.  He said he will report next meeting.  Murray Frank mentioned that the newspaper was reporting that the action of Tisbury and West Tisbury Boards of Selectmen (not placing the Emergency Medical Services issue on the warrants) will result in a change of process in the Intermunicipal Agreement.  He hopes the DCHC will have time to impact the design and implementation of the process.  Tad Crawford said the involvement of the DCHC needs to be identified. He added there are other ways to fund the Hospital without the RFP process. The DCHC posture needs to be in synch with the County. This development provides the opportunity for a “win-win.”  It looked like the County Health Council was not being allowed to advise, that it was in opposition to the County.  It shouldn’t be.

The Harvest Ball Fundraiser is 11/11/00.

The meeting adjourned at 10:01 a.m.  

Respectfully submitted,

Marsha Smolev
Executive Assistant